When used in tandem,
Bioresonance devices allow you to conduct a complete examination of the body and treat a wide range of diseases at home, allowing you to quickly and effectively improve the health of all family members while significantly reducing the cost and time spent on expensive and time-consuming tests and doctor visits.
Bioresonance therapy is suitable for those who are looking for
holistic methods of solving health imbalances. It is the type of customers who believe in the need to tackle the cause of diseases, and not their symptoms.
The high safety and efficiency of the method make it suitable for the diagnosis and treatment of all population categories: from children to elderly patients.
Bioresonance therapy is useful
for persons whose bodies have been overburdened with medicines and who are looking for effective and safe ways to rebalance their health.
There are no side effects to bioresonance therapy if the technology is used properly, taking into account contraindications.
DO NOT use this device if: - You've got a pacemaker implanted
- You've undergone an organ transplant
BRT devices should be used with caution for diagnosis and treatment when dealing with the following pathological conditions:
- Benign and malignant neoplasms
- Violation of blood clotting
- Acute disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation
- Period of pregnancy (1st trimester)
- Epilepsy
- Individual intolerance to electromagnetic influence
- Mental illness
- Children under 1 year only under the supervision of a specialist